Finite Dreams

A girl in search of the meaning of life. I'm slowly finding my place in this thing called life.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Love Story

I don't think I've ever written about how I met Bryan in my blog before or why I ended upo with him in the first place. I've been meaning to for a long time now, but I guess I just never found the time (oldest excuse in the world!).

I've known Bryan since I was in college. I met him in first year because of a common friend. I never noticed him though because he wasn't my type and I never spoke to him because I felt he belonged to a crowd in school I would have never wanted to interact with. I was a scholar in a rich kid's haven and I was always insecure about talking to people outside of the scholars' circle. Call it reverrse snobbery, but I just didn't want to burden myself with trying to fit in with everyone else.

I would run into him every so often especially when I was looking for my friend. All I ever remembered about him was asking him if he knew where our friend was especially if there was a group project we needed to work on. Until we graduated none of our conversations ever went beyond 3 sentences.

I started working after college. He went to law school. For some reason, our paths would still cross once in a while because our common friends. I still never spoke to him though. I'd just say, "Hi!" and move on to someone else.

The years went on, and our common friend decided to get married. We were both invited and he decided that since I didn't know anyone at his wedding except for Bryan, he asked Bryan to look out for me and keep me entertained. In the end, I ran into someone I knew there, so there was no chance I would notice him.

During the reception though, Bryan took his job seriously. He kept talking to me and asking me questions. At one point, I was getting really annoyed with him because I felt he was invading my privacy. He actually asked me, "Do you have a boyfriend?". At that time, I really wasn't with anyone, but I didn't see why it should be anyone's business what my status was.

I was already planning to leave without getting noticed, when he saw me and asked me how I was going home. I was just planning to get a cab and go to another party that day when he offered to drive me to my house instead. I did admit I was tired. I hadn't had any sleep yet, so I accepted the offer.

On the way home, we started talking...about college, about our friends and somehow we clicked. I realized that everything I thought about him was wrong. He wasn't a snob. He wasn't arrogant and he was down to earth. Plus, he was interesting because he wasn't shallow like the typical guy. Plus, he didn't take himself too seriously either.

We started going out after that. First as friends, but when we realized we were happiest when we were together, we made our relationship formal. 1 year later, we got married. No one expected it, least of all me. Now I look back at everything and I still laugh when I remember how many years it took us to finally find each other. I don't want to get all mushy and start talking about fate and religion. I guess it was just meeting the rignt person at the right time.