Finite Dreams

A girl in search of the meaning of life. I'm slowly finding my place in this thing called life.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Killing Time

I'm killing time in an Internet cafe while waiting for my husband to finish his work. I would have gone home earlier except that there's a sudden downpour here in Manila that's caused most of the streets to be flooded. As usual, it's hard to get a cab. So rather than waste my time negotiating with evil cabbies, I just decided to spend my time here in the Internet cafe. I've run out of websites to surf, so I finally decided to do something I haven't done in more than a year now, which is to update my blog.

So what's happened since my last post....

1) I have a daughter now named Mika Elizabeth
2) She's 1 year old and already walking
3) I'm still at the same company with the same job. Gosh, it's been almost 3 years now.
4) I lost any semblance of a social life because of my work
5) I do take more holidays now because of my family
6) My life is boring because it's so normal

I would'nt complain about the last item though. I guess it's okay and after all the dysfunction in my early 20's, I do need a break. I guess there's just this small part of me that's wanting to look for new adventure. Don't get me wrong. I have no intention of leaving my family and becoming a nomad again. I'm just looking for something new to learn. Maybe it might mean going back to school or getting a new job, but I'm having a little bit of difficulty starting over. Is age finally catching up with me? I hope not!:)